If you did NOT receive an e-mail invitation to the Ninth Annual Mid-Winter Blues Party, please click here to send me an e-mail so that I can add you to my mailing list. Your e-mail address will never be given to others and I will not put you on any 'list'!

Click here for Additional Information and things I forgot to put in the original Invitation


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You are invited to attend....


Randy Ray’s

Ninth Annual

Mid-Winter Blues Party


Say Uncle

And Friends


Friday January 18th, 2002

Doors Open 7:30 PM – Music 9:00 ‘til 1:00

The Chalet  - Route 52 North – Mendota



It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone.  And what a year it was!  The loss of another Beatle.  9/11.  A new feeling of community and patriotism.  A renewing of the importance of family and friends.  Locally, the closing of several Mendota landmarks.  The opening of a museum celebrating the areas agricultural past.  Our own personal tragedies and triumphs.


How appropriate to also change the venue for the Mid-Winter Blues Party.  But it is more of a return than it is a newness.  This year’s party will be held at the Chalet, which began its existence as the Water Tower Inn back in 1977.  In some ways the Mid Winter Blues Party started at the Water Tower.  The last January Blues Party was held there in 1979.  I haven’t checked my records, but I am pretty sure that the Diamond T Band played that night twenty-three years ago.  All drinks were 25¢ - drafts, bottles, cans, mixed, shots, punch – in celebration of the owners 25th birthday.  This year – at the time of this writing – it is not certain whether Say Uncle band will play or whether some of their members will anchor a jam session featuring the many talented musicians from this area.  Either way, the music will be excellent and something you will not want to miss.  Additionally, Chalet drink and beer prices are VERY reasonable and owners Angie and Raul are truly wonderful hosts.  So in the Water Tower tradition, it should not only be a night of spiritual and musical enrichment, but also one that is easy on your pocketbook.


All in all it should prove to be a great evening of fun, music and friends.  Please feel free to invite or bring your friends and others who I may not have gotten a personal invitation to.  At this writing I am not sure for whom or what the benefit will be this year, but it will be announced the night of the party.  As great as it is to be able to give to a cause, the REAL reason for this party is the music and friendship.  If we can help someone out while doing it – well, that is an added benefit.  There will be a suggested donation of $500  per person and as usual anything above my cost (~$800) will be donated to some worthy cause.


I hope that you are able to come out and join your friends for this memorable night.



Logon to www.randyray.net for updated information.


Support LIVE! Bands in the Mendota area!


Ninth Annual Mid-Winter Blues Party


Friday January 18, 2002


8:00 PM – 1:00 AM


The Chalet – Route 52 North – Mendota


Want to be the Life of the party?  Be a designated driver!



“There are places I remember all my life,
Though some have changed,
Some forever, not for better,
Some have gone and some remain.

All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall.
Some are dead and some are living.
In my life I've loved them all.”

- Lennon/McCartney



Additional Information and things I forgot to put in the original Invitation

I forgot to mention that this is a private party. It is not open to the general public. As an invited guest, you are encouraged to bring your friends or family, but I reserve the right to deny anyone access as I see fit.

Also, you must be 21 years of age or older to attend this year.

Musically, as it turns out, the Say Uncle band will be playing with their normal members. However, I am sure that there will be several - if not many - guest musicians coming up and playing a few songs. If you are musically inclined and care to join in a jam, please let a band member or myself know.

Angie and Raul will be serving Tacos during the evening for those of you who need a bite to eat.

I have a designated driver who will be more than happy to take anyone home who feels unsafe driving themselves. Please do not hesitate to ask.

Response has been very good as to the day, time and location of this party. I think that the Chalet will be quite full. Seating is limited, but there is plenty of standing room. Come early for the best seats.

Parking is available in back of the Chalet. Proceed to the far end of the building and go around. Please park so that others may enter and egress with ease. THANKS!

I have been somewhat less than organized in sending out invitations this year. Working off of several lists and the phonebook, it is quite possible that I have overlooked some (or sent to an old address - I have already received numerous invitations back as undeliverable) and others may receive more than one invitation.
PLEASE take time now to call a friend who enjoys this type of entertainment and see if they are aware of it. My apologies to anyone I may have missed.


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Frizol's Tavern

(Last updated 1/19/02)